Greece, known first of all for its mythology and for being the home of Western civilization, is back at the center of world attention for the economic crisis and the new political situation.
The word crisis means also change and return to the roots, it invites to remember that Europe is a Greek word itself. We all are and always will be Greece.
In this work I’ve mixed the heroes and heroines of mythology with elements of contemporary world and the struggling of young generation to go through the crisis. It’s a real personal interpretation and each one is called to agree with it or to give his or her own one.
The pictures are taken both with analog and digital cameras and they are printed mixing six analogue techniques using sometimes also collage. In the choice of the printing techniques there is also the connection of past and present: the dark room meets Photoshop taking the best from this two worlds.

Message: Hope against the evils of the world Tecniques: Collage - Background: liquid silver gelatin print on cotton paper; Pandora: iron salt print (cyanotype) on cotton paper The Myth: Pandora’s box was a gift given to the first women by Zeus: a large jar containing all the evils of the world. She was instructed to not open it under any circumstance, but she did so, releasing all the evil, but at the bottom of the box remained the spirit of hope.

Message: The impossibility to strengthen relationships and create a family Tecniques: Collage - Eurydice: liquid silver gelatin print on cotton paper; background: silver and iron salt print (Van Dyck) on Annigoni cotton paper; Orpheus: silver Lith print on Rollei Vintage 128 paper The Myth: Eurydice was Orpheus’ wife: one day, she stepped on a viper and died. Orpheus travelled to the Underworld to retrieve her, using his music to enchant anyone, but eventually he failed.

Message: Young people hold the destiny of the world Tecniques: Collage – The Earth: iron salt print (cyanotype) on cotton paper; Atlas: silver print on Rollei Vintage 128 paper The Myth: Atlas was a Titan who fighted in the war against the Olympians, the Titanomachy. When the gods won, Zeus condemned him to hold up the Heavens on his shoulders, to prevent them to touch the ground.

Message: Europe threatened by Germany Tecniques: silver and iron salt print (Van Dyck) on Annigoni cotton paper The Myth: Prometheus was a Titan known for bringing back fire to mankind after Zeus took it for vengeance. As a punishment Zeus chained him and made an eagle coming eating his leaver every day: during night the organ was growing back so the eagle could come to eat it again the day after. Note: The background is a two euro German money

Message: The failure of the economy rush and the fall of young people Techniques: Collage - Background: iron salt print (cyanotype) on cotton paper; Icarus: silver Lith print on Rollei Vintage 128 paper The Myth: Icarus was the son of the master craftsman Daedalus, the creator of the Labyrinth. He and his father attempted to escape by means of wings made of feathers and wax, but Icarus flew too close to the sun, whereupon the wax in his wings melted and he fell into the sea.

Message: Tradition wins on technology Techniques: Collage - Arianna: iron salt print (cyanotype) on cotton paper; Athen: silver and iron salt print (Van Dyck) on Annigoni cotton paper The Myth: Ariadne was the girl who helped Thesus giving him a sword and a ball of thread, so that he could find his way out of the Minotaur's labyrinth and kill the monster.

Message: The search for fame and money Technique: silver Lith print on Rollei Vintage 128 paper The Myth: Jason was the leader of the Argonauts in their quest for the Golden Fleece. He was really selfish and betrayed Madea, the witch who helped him in the quest, and for that reason she killed everyone he loved and at the end he died alone.

Message: fighting seduction of consumerism and call centers Technique: iron salt print (cyanotype) on cotton paper The Myth: Odysseus or Ulysses, was the king of Ithaca and one of the most important man in the Trojan war. He is famous for the ten years he took to return home to his wife Penelope. During his journey he met the Sirens: he asked his sailors (who plug their ears with beeswax) to tie him to the mast to hear the enchanted beasts sing.

Message: the frustration of unemployment Tecnique: silver and iron salt print (Van Dyck) on Annigoni cotton paper The Myth: Sisyphus was a king of Ephyra punished for his chronic deceitfulness by being forced to roll a big boulder up a hill, only to watch it fall back down, and then starting again and again.

Message: young generation conquered by technology Tecniques: Collage – Upper part: silver print on Rollei Vintage 128 paper; lower part: iron salt print (cyanotype) on cotton paper The Myth: Narcissus was known for his beauty and he was so proud that he couldn’t love anyone. Once he saw his own reflection in a pool of water and felt in love with it, not realizing it was merely an image, and, to embrace it, he drowned.

Message: The compromises to find your place in the world Technique: silver and iron salt print (Van Dyck) on Annigoni cotton paper The Myth: The Styx was a river that formed the boundary between Earth and the Underworld. To pass it you should pay the price to Charon: in some version of the myth you should put two coin on your eyes. Note: the money are two version of the two euro Greek coins

Message: Culture wins on economy Technique: Collage – The bull: silver Lith print on Rollei Vintage 128 paper; Europe: silver print on Rollei Vintage 128 paper; flag: iron salt print (cyanotype) on cotton paper The Myth: Zeus loved Europa so he transformed himself into a white bull and kidnapped her bringing her to the island of Crete. Here Europa became the first queen of Crete, giving her name to the continent that is over the island. Note: Here Europa defeats the Wall Street bull